Sunday, May 24, 2009

Flowers that bloom in the spring...cont'd

Sorry the pic's are mixed up from what I said in my blog. Things got rearranged after I published the post. Still learning.....But...they ARE pretty flowers, don't you think?

The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la! Our garden is coming to life!

Signs of new life in our garden in Holbrook, MA. I LOVE to see these new beginnings for our flowers each year. Thought I'd share a few pic's with you of what I'm enjoying these days.

The pic to the left is of our Variegated Weigela. VERY pretty. It's grown to 3 times it's original size in just the last 2 years! Yesterday I saw a hummingbird sipping from it's flowers. Hoped to see one today to take a pic of, but not to be.

Two very pretty Irise's. I like the purple Iris a lot better than the pale yellow. Maybe I should cut the purple one and bring it inside to enjoy it's beauty more often. (2 pic's in center)

Our clematis is starting to burst into bloom. There has to be at least 100 buds getting ready to open. So far, just a few have opened. What an electric purple/blue color! (pic is top center)

The bleeding hearts plant is almost done blooming for this year. A week ago, there were blooms all over it! (pic is top right)

The pic top left shows a few plants I potted up yesterday. They add quite the splash of color to our deck. I have them in a few other places on our deck railing.

It's so nice to see color sprouting in and around our backyard. Lots more to come over the coming weeks and months. Can't wait!